January 7, 2007

My Virtual White American Bosses

When the government agency called last week with the emergency order, they begged me to try to convince my hierarchy in the US to allow us to deliver. I told them I would see what I could do but that given all the problems we have had with collecting from clients in this country, it might be difficult. Of course, I have no hierarchy or let's say that I am the hierarchy. But as a Black African woman in the world of technology, I am often faced with similar situations. No matter what my business card says, I cannot possibly be the boss. I try to use it to my advantage as often as I can. In the case of the government agency, our bosses were putting "tremendous pressure" on us to get immediate payment, if not, they would cancel the order and there was nothing I could do. "You know how Americans are. They don't understand all these administrative hurdles." I even got one of my employees in the US to send an email threatening us for having accepted the order... It actually worked. Where payment generally takes 60-90 days, the payment order is ready and we will get paid next week. Never could I have accomplished this without my virtual White American bosses.


  1. "I even got one of my employees in the US to send an email threatening us for having accepted the order... It actually worked. Where payment generally takes 60-90 days, the payment order is ready and we will get paid next week."

    I love it! You go girl!

  2. I'm with Flick Bug...you gotta do what you gotta do.

  3. I'm not amazed. This is true for so many fields, whether it's tech-startups or even sport. Even on African e-forums, if you want to get as much response as possible on an important subject (say, female literacy), pick out the one or two Whites on that forum and then proceed to have a vigorous debate with them. Before you know it, all the other (Black) forum members will join in the debate (in order to chat with the Whites, no doubt). I don't know when our colonial complexes will end.

  4. Reminds me of the movie/book "The Associate"


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